Thursday, April 21, 2016

Note from a Rich Woman-4

The power of feeling good.  There is nothing like it.  Your body oozes with a sense of confidence.  You hold your head just a little higher.  You move with a grace that a swan would envy.    Your thoughts are clearer…you are more focused.  You place your steps perfectly…effortlessly.   You don’t walk…you actually glide from one joy to the next…from one accomplishment to the next great moment of personal magnificence.    You can have that feeling every day-- no matter what the circumstances.  You can decide to be confident, ambitious…and yes worthy of praise and accolades.  Nothing can stop you.  Oh, wait, there is one thing that might prevent you from experiencing joy and pleasure.   It’s a small thing really.  But it’s oh, so powerful…amazingly powerful.   It virtually has the power to divide a good mood from a bad mood.  It can divide confidence from confusion…divide brilliance from babble.  It can even be the difference between comfort and pain.  Make no mistake, it is the dividing line—the dividing string actually.  It divides one butt cheek from the other.   I’m talking about the thong.  Who would have thought a tiny colorful string could have so much power.  Ladies, your success may be hanging by a string.    Make sure yours fit properly.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Notes from a Rich Woman-3

You’ve met them.  They look like normal human beings, then they open their mouths.  They know everything.  They never listen.  They talk to you like you’re a third-grader.   You know the people I’m talking about…the ones you avoid if you see them before they see you.    If they corner you they immediately start regurgitating their latest achievement, generously sprinkling the conversation with their Mensa score…or they start listing 1, 2-- no 3-- ways they could solve your problems—whether you want them to or not.  Why, do people behave this way?  Because they have stuffed their brains with a self-expanding goo called “I-know-more-than-you-do.”  This sticky stuff tends to plug their ears, so of course listening to what you have to say is totally out of the question.  Fortunately, this goo also clouds their vision so they don’t see you roll your eyes with indifference when they are talking AT you.  While it’s ok for people to be knowledgeable, we should also be open to other points of view.  After all, I suspect your uber-spectacular neurons are firing on all mega-billions cylinders and you show up with more than a few good ideas and solutions yourself—thank you very much.  The difference is, you are smart enough to know you don’t have to be right all the time.  Someone wise once said:  “The need to be right is a form of violence.”   Violence indeed…cause those know-it-all people make you want to slap them silly.

A Rich Woman

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Note from a Rich Woman-2

Ok... get use to it.  Life is going to suck sometimes.  You won’t get that dream job you were sure you had in the bag.  Your partner demonstrates  a total lack of sensitivity and an overdose of stupidity yet again.  Or, you’ll step around a corner and hear some pretty unflattering things about you flowing from the lips of someone you trusted.   You’ll have days when sucking it in won’t make your dress fit any better.  There’ll be times when your kids test your ability to resist the temptation to become a serial killer. 

Face it, life-crap happens.    Sometimes you are powerless to stop it.  Life is like air…sometimes it’s as fragrant as a rose…and other times you just know you’re standing in a frat house bathroom on Sunday morning.   When you feel yourself getting sucked up in chaos, disappointments, and sadness, take a moment to remember that time when you laughed so hard your mascara streamed down your face like prison stripes, and you could actually see your false eyelashes balanced perfectly on your nose—without a mirror.    If you haven’t experienced a time like that lately--create one. 
A Rich Woman