Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Note from a Rich Woman-2

Ok... get use to it.  Life is going to suck sometimes.  You won’t get that dream job you were sure you had in the bag.  Your partner demonstrates  a total lack of sensitivity and an overdose of stupidity yet again.  Or, you’ll step around a corner and hear some pretty unflattering things about you flowing from the lips of someone you trusted.   You’ll have days when sucking it in won’t make your dress fit any better.  There’ll be times when your kids test your ability to resist the temptation to become a serial killer. 

Face it, life-crap happens.    Sometimes you are powerless to stop it.  Life is like air…sometimes it’s as fragrant as a rose…and other times you just know you’re standing in a frat house bathroom on Sunday morning.   When you feel yourself getting sucked up in chaos, disappointments, and sadness, take a moment to remember that time when you laughed so hard your mascara streamed down your face like prison stripes, and you could actually see your false eyelashes balanced perfectly on your nose—without a mirror.    If you haven’t experienced a time like that lately--create one. 
A Rich Woman

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